What causes otitis media?

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  • Source:Beat Hearing Aids
If a child suddenly has ear pain, the first thing to consider is whether it is otitis media. Otitis media usually presents with fever and a crying child with earache. It is best to go to the hospital for examination and diagnosis to avoid delaying the condition.

What causes otitis media easily?
Otitis media is generally caused by water entering the ear or dirt entering the ear hole. Therein lies the stagnation. And there will be wounds in the ears. Bacteria are produced in it and are said to cause otitis media.

The causes of otitis media are as follows:
1. Acute otitis media is an acute suppurative inflammation of the middle ear mucosa, which is infected through the Eustachian tube. After a cold, inflammation in the pharynx and nose spreads to the Eustachian tube, and the pharyngeal opening and lumen mucosa of the Eustachian tube become congested and swollen, causing ciliary movement disorders, causing otitis media. Common pathogenic bacteria are mainly pneumococci, Haemophilus influenzae, etc.
2. There are a lot of viruses and bacteria in the nasal mucus. If both nostrils are pinched and blown hard, the pressure will force the nasal mucus to squeeze out toward the posterior nostril and reach the Eustachian tube, causing otitis media.
3. When swimming, water passes through the nasopharynx and enters the middle ear, causing otitis media. Perforated eardrum infection caused by trauma can induce otitis media.
4. Infants and young children are fed in the supine position. Since the Eustachian tube of young children is relatively straight, has a short lumen and a wide inner diameter, milk can choke into the middle ear through the Eustachian tube and cause otitis media.

5. Listening to loud music with headphones for a long time can easily cause chronic otitis media. Secretory otitis media is first treated conservatively, because secretory otitis media is caused by our normal nasal cavity, nasopharynx and middle ear, which are connected to the Eustachian tube. Secretory otitis media is mainly caused by the Eustachian tube. If it is caused by blockage, then secretory otitis media should first be treated conservatively. Conservative treatment involves administering drugs through the nasal cavity, using some nasal spray hormones, and also using some oral drugs that thin the mucus. Generally, Some patients can still recover. If recovery cannot be achieved through conservative treatment, we usually need to perform tympanic membrane puncture to remove the fluid accumulation in the tympanic cavity, and at the same time add conservative medication. In this case, if recovery is still not possible, we need to use Myringotomy and tube placement, and we even now have a balloon dilatation of the Eustachian tube, can be used to treat patients with secretory otitis media.

The second category is suppurative otitis media. Within suppurative otitis media, acute suppurative otitis media is usually treated with oral antibiotics throughout the body, and then ofloxacin is administered into the ear. Ear drops, if there is pus, use hydrogen peroxide to clean up the pus, and then ofloxacin ear drops. The treatment can completely return to normal. If it is chronic suppurative otitis media, we may usually need surgery. The operation includes simple tympanic membrane repair, and the other one also needs to remove bony middle ear lesions on the basis of tympanoplasty. So the treatment of middle ear cholesteatoma needs to be open or complete. Radical mastoidectomy, tympanoplasty, and artificial hearingSurgery for bone and hearing reconstruction.

Warm reminder: There are many causes of otitis media, so everyone should do a good job in physical prevention and care in daily life. Once abnormalities occur, You must seize the time to go to a regular hospital to receive professional examination and treatment to promote early recovery from the disease.