What causes tinnitus? what to do?

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  • Source:Beat Hearing Aids
People nowadays often stay up late, are under great work pressure, are often in a state of high tension and anxiety, and have irregular diets. May cause tinnitus. Ear health is easily overlooked by people, but if you find that your hearing is abnormal, such as tinnitus, ear occlusion, etc., you should pay attention.

What causes tinnitus? what to do?
Main causes:
1. Auditory system diseases
(1) Cerumen embolism, tumor or foreign body in the external auditory canal of the external ear.
(2) Various otitis media and otosclerosis of the middle ear.

(3) Meniere's disease of the inner ear, sudden deafness, trauma, noise-induced deafness, presbycusis, etc.

2. Systemic diseases

(1) Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis, hypotension, etc.
(2) Autonomic nervous system dysfunction, mental stress, depression, etc.
(3) Endocrine diseases: thyroid dysfunction, diabetes, etc.
(4) Others: neurodegeneration (such as demyelinating disease), inflammation (viral infection), trauma, drug poisoning, cervical spondylosis, temporomandibular joint disease or malocclusion, etc.

In addition, excessive fatigue, lack of sleep, and excessive emotional stress can also lead to the occurrence of tinnitus. Meniere's disease, acoustic neuroma, and sclerosis is a disease in which the dense lamellar bone of the bony labyrinth is focally replaced by spongy new bone rich in cells and blood vessels. Causes of head trauma, myoclonus, systemic diseases, such as anemia, hypertension, diabetes, hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia, autoimmune diseases, vasospastic diseases, etc. It may be accompanied by tinnitus, and there is also tinnitus whose cause is not yet clear, accounting for about 40% of people with tinnitus. Tinnitus is caused by cell membrane permeability disorders or changes in the hair cells inside and outside the cochlea, or synaptic metabolism disorders in hair cells, or short circuits between auditory nerve fibers.

What to do about tinnitus: Currently, there are very few drugs for tinnitus in hospitals, mainly some neurotrophic drugs, with minimal effect. There are many causes of tinnitus, mainly due to physical sub-health, which causes oppressive tinnitus and cannot be completely cured from the root cause. Therefore, it regulates body functions from the inside, nourishes yin and nourishes kidneys, clears the heart and calms the mind, activates blood circulation and resolves deficiency, and improves body immunity and synthesis rate.
Tinnitus “adaptation therapy”
Tinnitus habituation therapy, also known as tinnitus habituation therapy, refers to the adaptation or habit to tinnitus. The main contents of this therapy include partial noise masking, relaxation training, psychological adjustment and distraction. Tinnitus is a subjective feeling, and its pathogenesis is unclear. It may be due to ischemia of blood vessels in the inner ear and abnormal increase in discharge activity of the auditory nerve.Add, imbalance of calcium homeostasis, etc. Clinically, doctors cannot objectively judge whether a patient actually has tinnitus. The causes of tinnitus are also very complex, and both ear and systemic diseases can cause tinnitus. Tinnitus habituation therapy requires tinnitus patients to persist in training for 1 to 2 years before they can fully adapt or get used to it.

Incomplete tinnitus masking
Using external noise to mask tinnitus is called tinnitus masking therapy. Commonly used external noise-generating devices include tinnitus maskers, hearing aids, Walkmans, home video recorders, etc. The noise emitted can be white noise with various frequency components, or narrow-band noise with a center frequency. The latter has the best masking effect. But because many people have trouble matching the pitch of their tinnitus, the noise produced by tinnitus maskers is mostly white noise. Incomplete masking refers to incomplete masking of tinnitus with low-intensity noise. The intensity of the noise should be based on what was just heard and should not be too high. The purpose is to allow patients to gradually get used to and adapt to external noise similar to tinnitus, and to avoid the noise from aggravating or causing new damage. It is recommended to mask for at least 6 hours a day, and each masking time should not exceed 1 hour. Rest for 10 to 20 minutes before performing the next masking. Since the noise intensity is very low, it can be masked during work, study and other activities.

Relax your mind

Emotional stress can cause tinnitus, and tinnitus can also aggravate emotional stress. People with tinnitus often experience stress, anxiety or depression. Tinnitus habituation therapy emphasizes relaxation training, with the purpose of allowing patients to relax physically and mentally. Therefore, it is also called relaxation therapy. The method is: sit quietly with your eyes closed or lie on your back, use your mind to control the tension of nerves and muscles, first relax the scalp, forehead, and facial muscles, and gradually relax the muscles of the upper and lower limbs, chest, and even the whole body.

Diversion of attention

This is a very critical step, that is, no matter when, where or under what circumstances, once you think of tinnitus, you can immediately Divert your attention to other things, such as listening to music, reading books, reading newspapers, etc., to distract your attention from tinnitus, so that tinnitus will soon become an unimportant and unannoying thing. When tinnitus is caused by Meniere's disease, acoustic neuroma, otosclerosis, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cervical spondylosis, etc., the primary disease must be treated first. The so-called objective tinnitus caused by abnormalities in middle ear muscle activity or vascular structure and function will disappear soon after the middle ear disease is cured. This therapy should only be considered when the cause is unknown or tinnitus remains after the cause has been cured.

The treatment of tinnitus should be based on the treatment of the cause to eliminate or minimize the tinnitus. No matter what kind of tinnitus it is, once the cause is found and effectively treated, tinnitus can often be cured better.control. In real life, it is not easy to find the cause of the disease. Even if the cause is found, the solution is not easy to find. Therefore, for tinnitus, we try to use a nourishing strategy and try to avoid the effects of drugs.