If hospital treatment for sudden deafness is ineffective and the cause is unknown, how many days will it take for hospitalization to be abandoned?

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  • Views:194
  • Source:Beat Hearing Aids
Sudden deafness, also known as idiopathic sudden deafness or sudden deafness, is an emergency in the Department of Otolaryngology. The patient's hearing was originally normal, but he suddenly cannot hear sounds without any warning. At first, he may only They will feel a "buzzing" sound in their tinnitus, or a feeling of ear fullness and distant sounds. Some patients don't care at first. They don't notice it until they answer the phone and have to switch to the other ear to hear others talking. The situation is serious because one ear can no longer hear. This is sudden deafness.

Inpatient treatment of sudden deafness has no effect and the reason is unknown. How many days will it take to give up hospitalization?
Foreign data show that if the course of the disease exceeds one month, the hearing has been basically finalized, and the effect of treatment will be greatly reduced.

Currently, the treatment of sudden deafness mostly adopts comprehensive treatment methods, and the effective rate is about 70%. The time to start treatment has a certain relationship with the prognosis, so treatment should be done as early as possible within 7 to 10 days after the onset of disease, and the best treatment time is within 72 hours. Sudden deafness tends to heal on its own, and some patients can recover to varying degrees on their own. Severe hearing loss and dizziness before treatment are poor prognostic factors. Hearing recovery in children and the elderly is worse than in other age groups. Efficacy evaluation: ① After recovery, the hearing threshold at each frequency of 0.25-4kHz returns to normal, or reaches the level of healthy ears, or reaches the level before the illness. ② Significantly improve the average hearing at the above frequencies by more than 30dB. ③Effectively, the average hearing at the above frequencies is improved by 15-30dB. ④ If the average hearing improvement at the above frequencies is less than 15dB, it is necessary to choose a hearing aid after the hearing is stable.

Because the cause of sudden deafness is still unclear, there are no targeted preventive measures. As a general prevention, you can pay attention to the following points in daily life:
1. Strengthen exercise, enhance physical fitness, avoid colds, and prevent viral infections.

2. Don’t overwork yourself, pay attention to the balance between work and rest, and keep your body and mind happy.

3. Maintain a balanced diet and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Reduce the stimulation caused by tobacco, alcohol, coffee, etc.

4. Control systemic chronic diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes.

5. For patients who have suffered from sudden deafness and whose affected ear still does not have practical hearing level after treatment, in addition to the above suggestions, it is also recommended that the unaffected ear should be especially protected:
①Avoid contact Noise;
②Avoid ototoxic drugs;

③Avoid ear trauma and ear infection.

Warm reminder:

The treatment of this disease mostly adopts comprehensive therapy. After the diagnosis is confirmed by instrumental examination, the patient is first required to be hospitalized immediately, and the patient is forced to stay in the hospital as soon as possible. Take adequate rest in a quiet environment to relieve mental stressAt the same time, drug treatment is given to increase blood circulation in the inner ear and improve neuronutrition. If necessary, acupuncture and hyperbaric oxygen therapy are also required. After timely treatment with drugs, the cure rate of this disease can reach 80%. Some patients with sudden deafness who are older or who miss the best opportunity for treatment have poor treatment results, causing lifelong regrets.